

Funeral Press is an WordPress Obituary Plugin. Funeral Press provides website obituary management and guest book software for funeral homes and cemeteries using the WordPress platform.  Funeral [...]

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WP FuneralPress Premium

The Funeral Press Premium Features Extension gives you a powerful set of tools to manage your obituaries even better. This extension is a great extension for Funeral Press Base (Built on the [...]

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FuneralPress Bundle

The FuneralPress website bundle is a great bundle for websites which focus on just obituaries, this bundle gives you the power of FuneralPress, allows you to have a form which you can monetize to [...]

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Funeral Home Bundle

The Funeral Home Bundle is great for funeral homes or cemeteries wishing to start out with our base version and premium. When you purchase these plugins a bundle you also get both our carousel [...]

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Conflict Support

Sometimes your WordPress themes and plugins might conflict with FuneralPress. This could be due to a theme or plugin that doesn’t use standard WordPress coding practices. If you find that the [...]

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Obituary News Site

Funeral Press with everything you need to start your own obituary news site right in WordPress. This bundle includes the following: FuneralPress FuneralPress Premium Addon Add Obituary Addon [...]

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