WP FuneralPress Add Obituary
Add Obituary Extension for Funeral Press you can give your users the power to add obituaries.
When activating this plugin you are given a new short-code to create an add obituary form, this form allows your users to enter obituary information for the deceased. When a user completes the obituary process an email is dispatched to both the user and the administrator, the administrator then has the ability to approve or deny the obituary. The obituary is also tagged as added by the user so you can follow up if needed.
Once an obituary is approved the user is notified again informing them that the obituary has been approved. Just like all of our plugins you can edit the text and email of each of these items. The add obituary form uses the new “I am not a bot” reCaptcha to protect your obituaries from spammers.
If you are looking for a more robust system that involves users logging in and managing their own obituaries please check out the Agency Addon
Current payment gateways
Currently we have two payment gateways, you can use paypal to purchase which uses IPN to confirm the purchase and Woocommerce, using the woocommerce addon allows you to select a product to associated with the “Update Obituary” Once you checkout and the payment goes to processing the obituary will be approved (based on your settings).
The Woocommerce gateway allows you to accept many more gateways within woocommerce!
All price options are billed yearly. You may cancel your subscription at any time. Addons subject to yearly license for support and updates. There is a 30% discount on yearly renewals if you renew within 30 days.
Addon Information
Once you purchase the FuneralPress base version you can purchase any additional addons to enhance your experience.