WP FuneralPress Light A Candle

Light a candle is a plugin from Funeral Press, this extension allows users to light a candle for the online Obituary of their loved ones.

The extension comes with 10 default candles by default but we give you the power to manage your own candles, add new candles for your users to choose from. The light a candle extension also gives you the ability to change the terminology of candle to whatever you want. For instance say you want to change the wording to “Post a medal” or “Post an emblem” You can use this add-on for pretty much anything.

When a user posts a new candle they are given the option to leave a name and a message, the candle is then sent to the admin approval queue or automatically proved depending on your settings.


All price options are billed yearly. You may cancel your subscription at any time. Addons subject to yearly license for support and updates. There is a 30% discount on yearly renewals if you renew within 30 days.

Addon Information

Developer Smarty Plugins
Version: 1.1.9
Sites Using this plugin: 400+ WordPress Installs


Once you purchase the FuneralPress base version you can purchase any additional addons to enhance your experience.

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