How to migrate to WordPress & FuneralPress from Funeral One

Why is a great time to switch from Funeral One to WordPress & use the popular FuneralPress plugin?

We are at a time when content mangement systems are becoming more and more advanced, coupled with plugins that are made for funeral homes and cemeteries you can get rid of your monthly fees.

FuneralPress runs on WordPress which has tens of thousands of developers worldwide and is one of the most popular open source CMS systems out there, you will never need to rely on one company anymore.

FuneralPress has a low yearly renewal fee compared to other popular tailored software services such as Funeral One


  1. First you need to install wordpress, which can be acquired here for free
  2. If you do not have enough web development knowledge you should hire a freelancer, there are many sites out there which offer WordPress Freelance services
  3. Once WordPress is installed, pick a popular theme
  4. After you are happy with your design, purchase and install FuneralPress
  5. Go through the installation and you are on your way to adding obituaries and managing your own content!


We offer an importer to easily import your obituaries, this comes with full integration with Funeral One. Just export your obituaries and import them using our custom built importer! If you are coming from another service you can also import your obituaries through a csv file. There is no limit to the number of obituaries and guestbook posts you can import!

If you have any questions you can always reach out to us on chat or submit a ticket we are happy to help!

Purchase FuneralPress
Purchase Importer
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